Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505

woman covering her breasts with her hands

What to Expect from Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is a significant decision requiring plenty of forethought. It involves prep and recovery; like all plastic surgery procedures, you must take care of your body and listen to your Plastic Surgeon’s medical advice to ensure the best outcomes. 

Experiencing some uneasiness while your surgery date approaches is normal, but the more you are informed about the process, the more your mind will be put at ease. Here are some things to expect from a breast augmentation procedure:

How long will it take for me to recover?

Bodies are different, so recovery times for surgeries vary. Factors like implant size, implants’ type, placement, and the plastic surgeon’s skills and experience also affect recovery time. 

A full recovery, on average, can take anywhere from four to six weeks. It is vital that a patient refrains from strenuous physical activity and overworking herself during this period. Below is a timeline for the first few hours to the first few weeks after this procedure.

Within the next 24 hours

Hours after the procedure, you may experience several symptoms, which will fade over time. Soreness, fatigue, swelling, and bruising are all typical following breast augmentation. You may also experience nausea, hypersensitivity, or a loss of sensitivity in the area.

You will rest in the post-operative room and wait for the effects of anesthesia to wear off. You must have a ride home from a friend or trusted family member. 

If you feel discomfort or pain from this procedure, your plastic surgeon will prescribe the appropriate medication according to your needs and medical history. 

Five to seven days post-op

Within the first week, you might still feel some discomfort or pain, though it should be diminished. At this point your Plastic Surgeon will tell you if you can already resume most normal activities and your daily routine. 

You must still avoid lifting your arms above your head and other strenuous tasks, causing irritation and bleeding. The first week is when breast implants start to settle, so it’s important to follow post-operative directives which may include massaging the breast tissue to reduce swelling and ease the muscles.

Three weeks to a month post-op

You should feel little to no pain at this stage, and swelling or bruising should have faded considerably. It is still normal to bruise at this point, depending on each personal reaction. However, these should not be as extensive as when you first left the operating room.

Your Plastic Surgeon might allow you to exercise, as long as you are only doing so lightly and avoiding strenuous workouts. Consult him or her on the types of workouts you may be able to do. Also, keep wearing front closure and post-surgical bras to promote healing throughout this period.

Within six weeks post-op

A month and a half after your operation, in most cases, you should be able to resume regular activity. At this point, your breasts should look and feel more natural. Schedule an appointment with your Plastic Surgeon so that they can perform a full evaluation of the implants and ensure your recovery is going according to schedule.


Breast augmentation is something that you won’t decide on a whim. Patients who undergo this procedure set aside a week or two for healing and recovery, and they must follow their Plastic Surgeon’s aftercare instructions to ensure the best outcome. Nearly all women who get implants are satisfied with the results, especially since this is a procedure that they choose for themself.

An essential component of successful plastic surgery is having a highly skilled Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Ronald Rosso at Peninsula Plastic Surgery has been in practice for 20 years, specializing in facelifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, and breast augmentation in Torrance, CA. Make an appointment today, or contact the team for more details.


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