Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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5 Ways to Make Your Rhinoplasty Recovery Time Fly By

Recovering from rhinoplasty includes the initial swelling which decreases within a few weeks and the full refinement of your new nasal contour which may take up to a year. Since it’s a process, you’ll be making adjustments to make sure it’s a successful recovery. 

Besides getting plenty of rest to minimize stress on your nose, there are many ways to make the healing process go by as smoothly as possible while speeding it up. Here are five tips to make your rhinoplasty recovery time fly by:

1. Follow Your Plastic Surgeon’s Instructions

The best way to ensure a speedy and smooth recovery is to follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions down to the letter. They might tell you the standard procedure of getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of fluids, and eating the right kinds of food, is what your body needs more than ever. In fact, after any surgical procedure, the body works overtime to heal and it needs all the nutrients it can get!

Your plastic surgeon might also tell you to keep your head slightly elevated while if you sleep on your side, you might experience more bruising and swelling. You can also reduce swelling by using a cold compress near your nose, like on your cheeks. 

Your plastic surgeon will recommend any medications to take and how to care for the nose to make sure the process goes without a hitch. They have all the best advice that is specifically catered for your recovery, so make sure to follow them.

2. Pay Attention To Your Body

Your body might react in certain ways post-surgery, so you’ll have to pay extra attention to any changes. Although your plastic surgeon can track the progress of your recovery from the outside, only you can tell them how you’ve been feeling, like any sensations that occurred after surgery. 

Listen to your body; if something seems out of place, don’t hesitate to bring it up with your surgeon. They can look into it and determine if it’s part of the regular recovery process or if it’s something that needs further action. 

3. Don’t Stress Your Nose

While this goes without saying, your nose needs uninterrupted time to fully recover from surgery. This means that your nose should go undisturbed for as long as possible so that your recovery whizzes by. 

Letting your nose recover in peace means getting creative with certain tasks. You should minimize the use of glasses at first since they can cause more irritation, so consider getting contacts. If you’re experiencing some congestion, avoid blowing your nose very hard. Ask your plastic surgeon about using a saline nasal spray to soothe your nasal passages.

Additionally, that means hitting the brakes on strenuous exercise for at least a few weeks post-surgery. However, that’s also the perfect excuse to spend more time relaxing on the couch or in your bed—you’re recovering from a surgical procedure, after all.

4. Don’t Smoke

While smoking should be avoided before any surgery, it should most definitely be kept away from during recovery. Even if you don’t smoke yourself, you should also avoid others who do, because secondhand smoke can also negatively impact the healing process. 

The nicotine found in tobacco actually constricts blood vessels, which limits the flow of blood to your organs. This makes it more difficult for your body to repair itself, thereby interfering with your recovery. 

5. Avoid The Sun

Lastly, stay out of the sun. Your nose is one of the first places to catch a sunburn, and it’s no different even when it’s all bandaged up from surgery. While it’s generally a good idea to protect your skin from excessive sun exposure, this is especially true when recovering from a cosmetic procedure.

Sun exposure can actually interrupt the healing process by darkening any scars from the surgery. It might also increase swelling, so it’s a good idea to follow your plastic surgeon’s recommendations regarding how long to keep your nose out of the sun.


Rhinoplasty recovery can be faster if you follow these five tips. With a little patience and extra care put into your body, you’ll be enjoying your new nose much sooner than you think. 

Looking for the best plastic surgeon in Torrance CA? Let us know at Peninsula Plastic Surgery! We are dedicated to offering the most advanced techniques in plastic surgery to the Los Angeles, South Bay, and the Palos Verdes Peninsula areas. Our services include cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Make an appointment with us today!

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