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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505

Male blepharoplasty patient

Insights into Male Blepharoplasty

Male blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid lift, a surgical procedure tailored for men, aims to rejuvenate the face by correcting heavy, droopy eyelids for a more youthful look with a strong emphasis on natural results. This surgical technique not only focuses on enhancing the eye’s appearance but also plays a crucial role in the overall facial rejuvenation, closely relating to the brow and cheek areas for a comprehensive improvement.

Blepharoplasty offers men an opportunity to address the signs of aging around the eyes, presenting a solution for a heavy, droopy appearance that can often make one look tired or angry. Tailored specifically for men, this procedure underscores the importance of a natural, refreshed look that aligns with the individual’s unique facial structure.

The Distinctive Characteristics of Male Blepharoplasty

Male blepharoplasty, distinctively designed for men, involves meticulous surgical modifications to preserve masculine facial features while enhancing the eyelid’s appearance. This procedure typically includes the removal of excess skin, fat, and muscle from the eyelids, tailored to male anatomy which often features thicker skin and more robust facial muscles. Unlike female blepharoplasty, male procedures are customized to prevent a feminized look, maintaining a natural and masculine appearance.

This surgical approach for men takes into consideration the anatomical differences, such as a naturally lower eyelid crease and fuller eyelids accompanied by slightly lower brows. This often results in less skin removal compared to female counterparts and may include simultaneous brow lifting to achieve optimal results. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia in the plastic surgery office and typically takes about an hour for the upper eyelids.

Men typically seek this surgery to restore a more youthful appearance while maintaining their inherent facial characteristics, aiming to look naturally rejuvenated but not drastically different.

Why Men Consider Blepharoplasty

Men opt for blepharoplasty for a variety of reasons, ranging from functional to aesthetic motivations.

  • One primary reason is the functional benefit of improving vision impaired by excess eyelid skin. For those struggling with obstructed vision due to drooping eyelids, this surgery provides a practical solution by removing the excess skin that causes the obstruction, thereby improving sight and potentially enhancing quality of life.
  • The surgery also addresses concerns like sagging eyelids and under-eye bags to ensure a subtle rejuvenation, appealing to men who seek improvements without drastic changes to their facial structure, thus maintaining a natural look.
  • With the rise of social media and online platforms, there’s a growing pressure to look good on camera, which has led many men to consider cosmetic procedures like blepharoplasty. This procedure helps men combat early signs of aging visible around the eyes, which can make them appear tired or older than they feel. It is suitable for men across various age groups, including those in their 30s, and 40s, who wish to preemptively address these signs.
  • Additionally, male blepharoplasty is often sought after major life changes such as a career shift or other significant personal transitions. This surgery can offer men a way to start anew, boosting their confidence with a refreshed and more alert appearance.

Choosing the Right Procedure: Upper vs. Lower Eyelid Surgery

When deciding between upper and lower eyelid surgery, it’s crucial to understand the specific benefits and considerations of each.

  • Upper eyelid surgery primarily addresses sagging skin that can impair vision and contributes to a tired appearance. This procedure involves removing excess fat and skin and tightening the eyelid muscles to restore a more youthful, alert look to the eyes. Typically, this surgery requires a shorter recovery time, making it a practical choice for those looking to minimize downtime.
  • Lower eyelid surgery, on the other hand, targets the bags beneath the eyes and improves the condition of the skin by smoothing wrinkles and repositioning sunken fat. This procedure often results in more dramatic changes, enhancing the overall facial appearance by reducing the tired or aged look associated with under-eye bags and dark circles. The recovery from lower eyelid surgery may be more involved compared to upper eyelid procedures, given the complexity of the areas addressed.

For comprehensive rejuvenation, many opt for a combined approach—undergoing both upper and lower eyelid surgery. This not only ensures symmetry and balance in facial aesthetics but also offers the convenience of a single recovery period, which can be more efficient and cost-effective.

Additionally, combining these procedures with other facial surgeries like brow lifts can further enhance the rejuvenating effects, providing a more extensive transformation tailored to individual needs.

What to Expect: The Procedure, Recovery, and Results

Male Blepharoplasty Details

The surgical procedure for male blepharoplasty, whether focusing on the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both, is meticulously planned to align with the unique facial features and aesthetic goals of each patient. The process can be performed efficiently in a surgery center, the time per eyelid surgery typically is about 30 minutes, while the lower eyelid surgery may take up to an hour. Dr. Rosso ensures minimal scarring by following carefully marked incisions that are generally well-hidden in the natural eyelid crease.

Recovery Timeline and Care

  1. Immediate Post-Op (0-3 Days): After surgery, it’s common to feel tired; patients are advised to rest during this period.
  2. First Week: By the eighth day, most patients report feeling much like their pre-surgery selves, although it’s crucial to avoid straining the eyes and maintaining a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and hydration.
  3. Return to Work (5-14 Days): Depending on whether one has undergone upper, lower, or combined eyelid surgeries, the recommended time off work is usually between 5 to 14 days. Full recovery from combined procedures typically requires about two weeks.
  4. Follow-Up Care: Stitches typically dissolve within 7-10 days post-surgery, and most normal activities can be resumed within 1-2 weeks. It is essential to protect the eyes from wind and direct sunlight for a few weeks.

Long-Term Results and Maintenance

The effects of male blepharoplasty are designed to last 10 years or longer, providing a significant period of enhanced aesthetic and functional benefits. However, as the procedure is not entirely permanent, patients may opt for minor touch-ups over time. These follow-up treatments can be efficiently managed by the same plastic surgeon, ensuring continuity of care and preservation of the natural, masculine aesthetic that is crucial for male patients. Regular moderate exercise, using sunscreen and sunglasses, and a healthy lifestyle, can further enhance and prolong the results of the surgery.

Importance of Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

  1. Expertise in Male Blepharoplasty: Selecting a plastic surgeon with experience in male eyelid surgery is critical, as the anatomical and aesthetic considerations differ from those in women.
  2. Customized Surgical Approaches: A skilled plastic surgeon will tailor the procedure to the individual’s needs, whether addressing both upper and lower eyelids or focusing on specific concerns like drooping eyelids or asymmetry.
  3. Consultation and Expectations: During the initial consultation, potential candidates should discuss their goals and expectations with the plastic surgeon. This conversation helps ensure that the results align with the patient’s vision of a refreshed yet natural appearance.


Through the comprehensive discussion on male blepharoplasty, it is evident that this cosmetic procedure offers both functional and aesthetic benefits tailored specifically to the male anatomy. By addressing common concerns such as drooping eyelids, under-eye bags, and asymmetry, men can achieve a more youthful, alert appearance that enhances both their vision and overall facial aesthetics. The emphasis on maintaining natural, masculine features while avoiding overcorrection highlights the procedure’s objective of rejuvenation rather than drastic alteration.

Don’t let time leave its mark. Start your journey towards a fresher, confident you with male blepharoplasty. Call us today at 310.326.3636 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rosso.


1. How long does it take to recover from male blepharoplasty?
The recovery process for male blepharoplasty is generally straightforward, with the primary concerns being swelling and bruising around the eyelids. This usually subsides within 1 to 2 weeks. During this period, it is crucial to follow your plastic surgeon’s directives to aid in healing.

2. Is blepharoplasty recommended for men?
Yes, blepharoplasty is the second most popular surgical procedure among men as it helps with peripheral vision and/or to rejuvenate the eye area and restore a youthful, appealing look by opening up the eyes.

3. Why should I avoid watching TV after undergoing blepharoplasty?
After blepharoplasty, it is essential to give your eyes rest to recover effectively. Engaging in activities that strain your eyes, such as watching TV, reading, or using a computer, should be limited for at least the first few days post-surgery, as per your plastic surgeon’s recommendations. Typically, you may find that your eyes are too tired and dry to want to focus on screens or text anyway.