Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505

If Only: Skipping Implants in Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is designed to restore the shape and appearance of a woman’s body after childbearing, targeting areas like the breasts, abdomen, and more as a single-stage procedure. The decision to include breast augmentation as part of this makeover can significantly influence one’s satisfaction, making it crucial to weigh the pros and cons of introducing implants to avoid mommy makeover regret.

Factors to consider ahead of opting for breast implants include health status, the desire for restoration to the pre-baby physique, and understanding that the results are designed to be long-lasting, but future pregnancies and significant weight changes can affect outcomes. This exploration aims to guide you through making an informed decision about breast augmentation within a mommy makeover.

Understanding Mommy Makeover and Common Procedures Involved

A mommy makeover is a comprehensive approach tailored to address the physical changes women experience due to pregnancy and aging. This personalized set of procedures can significantly enhance one’s appearance and self-confidence by restoring the body’s pre-pregnancy shape. Let’s delve into the common procedures involved in a mommy makeover and their respective benefits.

Common Procedures in a Mommy Makeover

1. Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

2. Liposuction

3. Breast Enhancement

  • Options: Includes breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction depending on individual needs.
  • Benefits: Improves size, shape, and appearance of the breasts; can include restoring volume and elevating sagging breasts.

4. Feminine Rejuvenation

  • Techniques: May involve labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, and other procedures to improve the aesthetic and function of the female genital area.
  • Advantages: Enhances comfort and self-confidence.

Selecting the Right Plastic Surgeon

Choosing an experienced plastic surgeon is crucial for achieving the best results and ensuring safety throughout the process. It’s important to discuss all available options and realistic outcomes to tailor the procedures to your specific needs and expectations.

Customization and Combination of Procedures

A mommy makeover is highly customizable, allowing the combination of different procedures into a single surgery session. This approach not only saves time and reduces overall recovery but also minimizes multiple anesthesia applications. Common combinations include tummy tuck with breast lift or augmentation and liposuction with other contouring procedures.

By understanding these procedures and their benefits, you can make informed decisions about undergoing a mommy makeover. Discussing your goals with a skilled plastic surgeon will help tailor the makeover to your body’s needs and your aesthetic desires.

The Role of Breast Implants in Mommy Makeovers

Implant Selection and Surgical Considerations

  1. Choosing the Right Implant:
    • The selection of breast implants is crucial and should be based on individual needs and preferences. Saline implants are favored for minimal scarring, while gummy bear implants are chosen for their durability and shape retention. Silicone implants are popular for their natural feel and appearance.
  2. Combination with Breast Lift:
    • Often, a breast lift is recommended along with implants, especially if the nipples are not appropriately aligned. This combination is particularly effective for addressing volume loss and sagging skin simultaneously.
  3. Discussion with Plastic Surgeon:
    • It is essential to have a thorough discussion with your plastic surgeon about the size and placement of the implants to ensure the outcomes align with your aesthetic goals.

Impact of Breast Implants in Mommy Makeovers

  • Aesthetic and Functional Enhancement:
    • Including breast augmentation in a mommy makeover can significantly enhance the balance between breast and hip contours, add fullness, and increase breast projection. This not only highlights a slimmer waist when paired with procedures like a tummy tuck or liposuction but also plays a crucial role in boosting self-confidence.
  • Addressing Changes Due to Life Events:
  • Safety and Efficacy:
    • Breast implants are a safe and reliable method for restoring lost breast volume due to life changes such as pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, it’s important to consider that additional procedures like a breast lift might be necessary to achieve optimal results if there is significant skin laxity.

Choosing the Right Breast Implants

Types of Breast Implants and Their Characteristics

  1. Saline Implants: Known for minimal scarring, saline implants are a popular choice for those who prefer a less invasive option.
  2. Gummy Bear Implants: These maintain their shape over time, offering durability.
  3. Silicone Implants: Preferred for their natural feel and appearance, silicone implants are often recommended for their aesthetic qualities.

Implant Placement and Appearance

  • Submuscular Placement: This option offers a natural look and feel but may involve a longer recovery due to the manipulation of muscle tissue.
  • Subglandular Placement: May result in more visible scarring and less natural feel.
  • Recommended Implant Size: The size is generally discussed with the plastic surgeon to achieve a natural restoration of pre-baby fullness.

By carefully considering these aspects, you can make a more informed decision about including breast implants in your mommy makeover plan.


The decision to undergo a mommy makeover, particularly the inclusion of breast implants, is significant and requires a comprehensive understanding of the benefits, and the transformative impact it can have on one’s body and self-esteem. This exploration has highlighted the importance of considering personal health, aesthetic goals, and the long-lasting nature of such procedures. By delving into the various aspects of mommy makeovers and the specific considerations surrounding breast implants, we aim to have equipped you with the necessary information to navigate this decision confidently.

For those contemplating a mommy makeover and wondering if breast implants are the right choice for them, reaching out for the professional guidance of a plastic surgeon is a crucial step.

To aid in this process, we invite you to call us for a free cosmetic consultation with Dr. Rosso, ensuring you have the support and expertise necessary to make the best decision for your body and well-being.


Q: Do people ever feel regret not getting breast implants with a mommy makeover? 
A: Yes, some women who get a mommy makeover may regret not getting breast implants at the same time. Here are some reasons why:

Q: What are some reasons someone might regret not getting breast implants?
A: Change in expectations: After childbirth and weight fluctuations, breasts can lose volume and firmness. A mommy makeover can address other concerns like loose skin, but breasts may still be a source of self-consciousness. Considering future procedures: Having separate surgeries can be more expensive and involve more recovery time. Some women might regret not combining procedures if they later decide they want implants. Shifting self-image: The decision to get implants is personal. After experiencing the body changes of motherhood, some women might prioritize other aspects of a mommy makeover but later desire a fuller bust for a confidence boost.

Q: If you did not get implants during the mommy makeover. Can you get them done now?

A: Maybe! While some women successfully add implants later, here are some things to consider:

  • Scarring: Existing mommy makeover scars might affect implant placement. Discuss this with your surgeon to see if revision is necessary.
  • Additional surgery: Adding implants is another procedure, meaning additional recovery time and cost.
  • Changes since surgery: Your body may have changed since your mommy makeover. A new consultation is crucial to assess suitability for implants.

It’s important to consult a plastic surgeon who specializes in both mommy makeovers and breast augmentation. They can evaluate your situation, discuss implant options, and create a personalized plan to achieve your desired outcome.