Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505


What You Need to Know About Brachioplasty

Brachioplasty, commonly known as arm lift surgery, is a procedure that is designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms. This procedure is usually done on individuals with excess skin and fat deposits on their upper arms due to aging, weight loss or gain, or hereditary factors.

In this article, Peninsula Plastic Surgery will explore different aspects of Brachioplasty, including its benefits, risks, and recovery.

Benefits of Brachioplasty

The most significant benefit of Brachioplasty is improving the appearance of the upper arms. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost a considerable amount of weight, as it helps to remove excess skin and fat that may be left behind after weight loss. Brachioplasty can also help to improve the overall contour of the arms, giving them a more toned and youthful appearance.

Another benefit of Brachioplasty is that it can help to boost self-confidence and self-esteem. Many individuals who have excess skin and fat on their upper arms feel self-conscious about their appearance, particularly when wearing sleeveless clothing. Brachioplasty can help to address this issue, allowing individuals to feel more confident and comfortable in their skin.

What to Expect During the Brachioplasty Procedure

In the weeks following your procedure, you may be asked to stop taking certain medications or supplements that can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding during surgery. Your plastic surgeon may also recommend quitting smoking, which can affect your ability to heal following the procedure. Additionally, it’s essential to maintain a stable weight by following a healthy diet and exercise routine to optimize your surgery outcomes.

As with most surgical procedures, Brachioplasty has some potential side effects. Nonetheless, your plastic surgeon will take precautions to minimize any unpleasant outcomes, and most side effects are both easily managed and temporary.

The Brachioplasty Procedure

Brachioplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia, meaning you will be completely asleep and unaware of the surgery as it takes place. Depending on the extent of the procedure, it may take between two and three hours to complete.

Two main techniques are used in brachioplasty: the limited incision technique and the standard technique. The limited incision technique involves making a small incision in the armpit area, removing excess fat and skin. This approach best suits patients with minimal skin laxity and fat deposits.

On the other hand, the standard technique involves making an incision typically extending from the elbow to the armpit. This allows for more extensive skin and fat removal, dramatically improving arm contour. Your plastic surgeon will carefully lift and tighten the underlying tissues, repositioning and suturing them for a smoother, more toned appearance.

Once the desired amount of skin and fat has been removed, your plastic surgeon will close the incisions with sutures and apply a sterile dressing to protect the area.

Recovery from Brachioplasty

The recovery period following Brachioplasty can vary depending on the extent of the surgery and the individual patient. In general, patients should expect to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days and sometimes weeks following the procedure.

Patients will be advised to wear a compression garment on their arms for a certain period of time following the surgery to help reduce swelling and promote healing. They will also need to avoid any strenuous activity or heavy lifting for several weeks and may need to take time off work to rest and recover.

Patients must follow all post-operative instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. This may include taking medication to manage pain, keeping the arms elevated to reduce swelling, and attending follow-up appointments with their plastic surgeon.


Brachioplasty can be an effective way to improve the appearance of the upper arms and boost self-confidence. As with any surgery, however, it is important to consult with your plastic surgeon before deciding to undergo the procedure.

By following all pre- and post-operative instructions and allowing time for recovery, patients can achieve excellent results and enjoy a more toned and youthful appearance for years to come. It’s also recommended to consult a trusted plastic surgeon from Peninsula Plastic Surgery to know if Brachioplasty is your best option.

Peninsula Plastic Surgery offers a variety of cosmetic procedures besides arm lifts, including Mommy Makeovers, arm lifts, breast augmentation, breast lifts, breast reconstruction, facelifts, eyelid lifts, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction, and rhinoplasty (nose job). If you’re interested in any of these services, please call our office today to schedule an appointment with our plastic surgeon in Torrance, CA.