Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505


Timeline of the Tummy Tuck: How It Has Improved Over the Years

There’s no doubt that there have been significant changes and improvements over the years regarding medical procedures—even in aesthetics. With that, you may be surprised to see how big the changes are in this medical sector, especially when it comes to tummy tucks.

The tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the US in the past decades. But did you know that this procedure dates back to the early 1800s? Of course, the procedures were so different from today, and there have been great improvements even in the past couple of years.

If you’re thinking of getting a tummy tuck, it’s important to get it from an experienced plastic surgeon to ensure that you get the look and results you desire.

The Timeline of the Tummy Tuck

You Were Left With No Belly Button

Yes, you read that right—the first tummy tucks left you without a belly button; but of course, this happened more than 200 years ago. And during this time, tummy tucks were performed with a different purpose—to cover wounds.

Tummy tucks weren’t a cosmetic thing back then, they were reconstructive surgical procedures, and left patients without a belly button. And even if at the time, they thought that it would be impossible to leave the belly button in its place, look how far we’ve come!

French Plastic Surgeons Retained the Belly Button

Thankfully, in the 20th century, French plastic surgeons were able to figure out how to perform tummy tuck procedures and still leave the patient’s belly button. They found that they could use a vertical and horizontal incision to create small flaps, creating a smoother tuck.

But even then, it was still an uncommon procedure and was still used to treat wounds, especially during World War I. However, in the 1970s and 80s, plastic surgeons began to improve the appearance of bulging bellies and realized that doing a tummy tuck could fix this issue, resulting in the modern tummy tuck we’re familiar with today.

The Mini Tummy Tuck

Over the past few decades, there have been significant improvements with the tummy tuck procedure, resulting in even quicker and more convenient procedures.

The mini tummy tuck is an excellent way to get a tummy tuck. It entails only an incision below the bikini line. Unlike the full tummy tuck, there is no incision made around the belly button. Mini tucks don’t address significant skin laxity and excess sagging above the belly button. This procedure is less invasive than a full tummy tuck and the recovery is faster.

The Bottom Line: Only Get a Tummy Tuck From Trusted Plastic Surgeons

Though this procedure has evolved over the years, you’ll still need a very competent and experienced plastic surgeon to do the procedure and give you the results you want. If you’re considering getting a tummy tuck, don’t have your general doctor perform it—find an expert plastic surgeon who performs several of these procedures every year and has been specifically trained for it.

That way, you’ll be equipped with all the information you need, and you can trust that they can perform the procedure with ease, minimize scarring, and give you the tummy you desire.

How Can We Help You?

Peninsula Plastic Surgery provides exceptional mommy makeovers, breast augmentation, breast lift and reduction, breast reconstruction, facelifts, eyelid lifts, tummy tucks, and more. 

Looking for a plastic surgeon in Torrance, CA? Learn more about how we can transform you today!