Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505

Doctor Holds the Hand of a Female Patient on a White Background. the Concept of Skin Tightening on the Hand and Fat Removal, Plastic Surgery, Markers, Copy Space, Brachioplasty

Ready to embrace a new you with cosmetic arm lift surgery?

Ever thought about turning back the clock on your arms?
Like smoothing out an old, crinkled map, our new arm lift procedure helps to revitalize your skin, making it look as fresh as it did in your youth. Let’s face it, we all have those favorite shirts that don’t quite fit right anymore.
Ever tried every trick in the book and still couldn’t solve a problem? Well, with an arm lift, you can.

Inspiring Stories

I often come across awe-inspiring stories from my patients who go through similar struggles. They tried every possible solution before finally opting for cosmetic arm surgery.

Kind of like how you might try every diet fad, fitness routine, and health supplement before realizing the secret to your dream body might be in the plastic surgeon’s hands.

Now, these aren’t just stories about a quick fix. They’re tale of perseverance, of trying everything under the sun. Like a scientist who runs a thousand experiments before landing on the right solution. In some cases, the number is closer to a hundred – hundred different attempts to be precise.

It’s also a reminder that sometimes, the path to our destination isn’t always a straight line. It’s more like a winding river, full of unexpected turns and obstacles. Some patients have struggled with their arms since they were teenagers. Despite years of dieting and exercise, their arms remained out of proportion to the rest of their bodies.

And here’s the kicker: arm lift surgery sometimes isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s about confidence, self-worth, and reclaiming a sense of control. That’s the real beauty of these stories.

Some patients have been fit, and healthy and everyone tells them “go to the gym or lose weight” well, when you are a size eight for instance, you can’t tone fat, you have to lose the fat.

This realization is a lot like finally finding the key to a locked door that’s been frustrating you for ages. And the sweet relief that follows, well, it’s worth a thousand words.

Understanding Arm Lift Surgery

Arm lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure, also called Brachioplasty, designed to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arms, resulting in a more toned and contoured appearance. The surgery involves making incisions along the inner or back of the arms, followed by the removal of excess tissue. Afterward, the incisions are carefully closed with sutures.

Types of Arm Lifts

There are two types of arm lifts – the mini and the regular. The mini arm lift involves liposuction in the upper arm and removing a small amount of skin with the scar confined to the armpit. The regular arm lift, on the other hand, is more invasive, with incisions down the full length of the arm.

The Impact of the Arm Lift

An arm lift can have a profound impact on a patient’s confidence. While not everyone may be comfortable with the idea of cosmetic surgery, for some it can be a game-changer. If you’ve been struggling with this issue, perhaps it’s worth exploring your options. Remember, any decision regarding your body should be taken after careful consideration and consultation with medical professionals.

Preparing for Recovery

Before undergoing arm lift surgery, it’s crucial to prepare for the recovery process. Here are a few essential steps to follow:

  1. Consultation: Have a thorough consultation with your plastic surgeon to discuss your expectations, potential risks, and post-surgery care instructions.
  2. Arrange Support: Arrange for someone to assist you during the initial days of recovery, as you may experience limited mobility and discomfort.
  3. Stock Up on Supplies: Purchase essential supplies such as pain medication, sterile dressings, loose-fitting clothing, and pillows to ensure comfort during recovery.

Immediate Post-Surgery Care

Immediately after arm lift surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room where medical professionals will monitor your condition. Here’s what you can expect during this initial phase:

  1. Compression Garments: Your plastic surgeon may provide you with compression garments to wear. These garments help reduce swelling and provide support to the treated area.
  2. Pain Management: Take prescribed pain medication as directed by your plastic surgeon to manage any discomfort or pain. Follow the recommended dosage and avoid self-medication.
  3. Wound Care: Proper wound care is crucial for a successful recovery. Follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions on cleaning and dressing the incision sites to prevent infection.

Gradual Return to Normal Activities

As you progress through the recovery process, you can gradually increase your activity level. However, it’s essential to follow your surgeon’s guidelines and avoid strenuous activities that may strain or disrupt the healing process. Here are some general recommendations:

  1. Gentle Exercises: Engage in gentle exercises recommended by your plastic surgeon to promote circulation and prevent stiffness. Avoid any exercises that put excessive strain on your arms.
  2. Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon to monitor your progress and address any concerns or complications.
  3. Patience is Key: Remember that full recovery takes time. Be patient with yourself and allow your body to heal at its own pace. Avoid rushing into activities that may hinder the healing process.

Remember, it’s not about looking perfect, it’s about feeling perfect in your own skin. Call us today at 310-326-3636 for a free cosmetic consultation with Dr. Rosso.