Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505

Rhinoplasty: All Your Questions Answered

Your nose is one of the most defining features of your face because it sits in the center. Beauty standards worldwide have different takes on what the nose should look like, but the one thing that most have in common is that the nose has to be straight. Crooked noses can be genetic, but there are cases of noses losing their structure from a bad accident early in life. Whichever may be the reason for it, one thing is for sure: this dilemma can be solved with Rhinoplasty. 

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is more commonly known as a nose job. It primarily involves changing the shape of your nose to enhance this facial feature. This is one of the most common facial surgeries in the country, with more than two hundred thousand people getting the procedure in 2019. 

Why Do People Get Nose Jobs?

Everyone has their own reasons and motivations for getting rhinoplasty. There are cosmetic reasons, which is to simply improve its appearance. It could be for reconstructive reasons wherein the patient broke their nose in their early childhood or the recent months and would like to go back to the way their nose used to look like. Others want to improve their breathing. The reasons could be one or two of the three or even all of them combined. Whatever the motivation may be, it is valid if you feel that you should do it.

Will Rhinoplasty Make a Noticeable Change on my Face?

Most people who get Rhinoplasty get it purely for aesthetics. Because of that being the end goal, they often pair it with a facelift or other face enhancing procedures such as blepharoplasty, neck-lift, etc. Getting one or more procedures will change how you look according to what you want from it. The nose job on its own can make a subtle yet significant difference, for the better. Plastic surgeons pay close attention to what effects you are going for and what will best suit you. They try as best as they can to align both their vision and yours. If your reasons are purely cosmetic, your appearance will change as much as you want it to look.

If your reasons are reconstructive, plastic surgeons will restore how your nose used to look. There will be a noticeable change to make your nose more proportional to the rest of your face and improve facial symmetry. 

How Does Rhinoplasty Surgery Work?

There are two types of incision patterns.

The first type is closed rhinoplasty, which is when the incisions are inside the nostrils. This doesn’t leave any scarring on the outside. However, the range of possible corrections is limited on this type, so plastic surgeons rarely go for this.

The other type is an open rhinoplasty. Three small incisions are made, two inside the nostrils and one along the soft tissue between the nostrils. This procedure provides your Plastic Surgeon with an in-depth view and access to your nasal structure. Plastic surgeons will often make the call for which type you’re eligible for.

Is it Worth it?

Reconstructive or cosmetic, one common factor that a nose job could change is the boost in confidence. You have control over how you want to look, which you don’t have to apologize for. If you can afford it and it is something that you want to do, there shouldn’t be anything holding you back from getting all the information you need through a good cosmetic consultation.


Getting a nose job can enhance the way your nose is structured. It won’t change how you look entirely, but it will make a defining difference. Rhinoplasties are popular procedures. If fixing some irregularities in your nose can help boost your confidence and make you appreciate more looking at your face in the mirror, it is worth the investment. 

Are you looking for the best plastic surgery in Torrance, CA? Peninsula Plastic Surgery provides excellent Mommy Makeovers, rhinoplasty, facelifts, tummy tucks, and more. Our services can help bring out the confidence back in your face or body. Make an appointment to consult with one of our plastic surgeons today.

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