Reconstructive Surgery

According to current research, nearly one million Reconstructive Plastic Surgery procedures are performed each year. Are you a woman who has undergone a mastectomy? Or, perhaps you’ve experienced a traumatic injury or disease that has permanently affected some part of your body that you want to be fixed. Do you have a large Lipoma, Mass or Cyst that you need to be removed? Do you have skin cancer? Reconstructive Plastic Surgery can help restore the shape and function of your body.
What Are the Different Types of Reconstructive Surgery Procedures?
If you imagine the many injuries, different types of cancer, defects or disfigurement issues that can arise in our lives, there is a procedure that can help improve the problem. Some of the most common are:
- Body Contour After Bariatric Surgery
- Breast Reconstruction
- Breast Reduction
- Scar Revision
- Skin Cancer Plastic Surgery
Not every procedure is appropriate for everyone. Treatments must be customized for the individual patient.
What Are the Plastic Surgery Procedures Available After Bariatric Surgery?
Gastric Bypass (Bariatric Surgery) patients or people who have lost massive amounts of weight through diet and exercise are usually left with large amounts of excess skin in different parts of their body. Most insurance companies will cover the removal of the skin after a patient’s weight has been stable for a period of 12 to 18 months.
What Is Post-Gastric Bypass Plastic Surgery?
Among the most commonly performed Plastic Surgery procedures after Gastric Bypass, there are: Panniculectomy (removal of excess abdominal skin), breast lift, breast reduction, arm lift and thigh lift. Each of these procedures decreases the possibility of skin breakdown from tissue rubbing and allows the patient to wear different clothing and more intense physical activity.
Why Post-Gastric Bypass Plastic Surgery with Dr. Rosso
Dr. Rosso has a special interest in providing a supportive, safe and pleasant environment for the many post-gastric bypass patients he consults with and operates on in his private practice. His interest and expertise in post-gastric bypass/massive weight loss Plastic Surgery started developing in 1992 when he was a General Surgery Resident at USC and had the privilege of operating with one of the pioneers of gastric bypass surgery. As a result, once he began his Plastic Surgery training, he emphasized utilizing the safest Plastic Surgery procedures for post-gastric bypass and weight loss surgery patients.
Breast Reconstruction makes women whole again after breast cancer. It restores something that nature provided but cancer has taken away.
Many breast cancer patients are not offered the option of Breast Reconstruction after mastectomy or lumpectomy even though this procedure is always covered by health insurance.
Through Breast Reconstruction, breast cancer patients have several options including tissue expander and subsequent placement of a silicone or saline implant. A breast lift or reduction can be utilized on the unaffected breast for symmetry. The nipple and areola can also be recreated.
Breast Reduction is a Plastic Surgery procedure with one of the highest rates of patient satisfaction. When women have large, sagging breasts that may be the cause of physical problems such as back, neck, or breast pain, Breast Reduction surgery can improve or eliminate these symptoms and is covered by almost all insurance plans. Large, pendulous breasts over time, may lead to postural problems and chronic arthritis. Reducing the weight of the breasts allows comfort and prevention of skeletal abnormalities. Patients also find it easier to exercise and find clothing that fits their new shape.
What Is Breast Reduction ?
Breast Reduction reduces the size of your breasts by making them more proportional to the rest of your body. Breast Reduction is a procedure where the Plastic Surgeon removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. The nipple and areola are lifted upward (usually the areola is reduced in size), and skin that was located above the nipple is brought down, pulled together and sutured to improve shape and contour. The type of incision used depends on the size and shape of the patient’s breasts. The most common surgical method used consists of one incision around the nipple area, another that runs vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease underneath the breast, and a third incision beneath the breast. Keep in mind that the incision lines are designed so that they will be concealed under the bra. However, the resulting scars are permanent but should fade over time.
After a few months, your breasts will settle into a more natural shape. As with all cosmetic procedures, the final result will be apparent in approximately one year. Without that excessive weight, you may find that you enjoy life much more, and can engage in physical activities you did not think possible.
Scars are the body’s reaction to the healing skin. Unfortunately, when injuries occur, the size, shape, and location of wounds are unpredictable. Wounds heal by laying down scar tissue. Physicians are unable to consistently predict how a patient will heal from an injury. Ethnic skin, such as African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and patients of Mediterranean descent have a higher incidence of healing with hyperpigmentation. However, Caucasians / lighter-skinned people can also form keloids.
Keloid scars are abnormal scars that grow beyond the boundaries of the injury. Keloid scars are difficult to treat and are often misdiagnosed by physicians and patients.
Keep in mind, when a Plastic Surgeon performs a cosmetic procedure, scars are placed in locations that are cosmetically acceptable, unlike traumatic wounds which can be anywhere.
When To Go For Scar Revision ?
What should I do if my scar is still red? The answer may surprise you: you should wait to have the surgery until the scar lightens in color. If you don’t have the opportunity to have a revision surgery sooner, it is best to wait until at least 60-90 days after your original surgery or longer. When should you go ahead with this procedure? When patients start feeling like they’re going to be embarrassed about it, it’s time to go see a plastic surgeon.
Many patients wonder whether certain skin lesions should be removed or checked for cancer. It is not feasible to remove all skin lesions on every patient. There are, however, guidelines to determine whether a skin lesion is of concern. Some patients have moles or other skin lesions that are cosmetically unacceptable and will have them removed to improve appearance. Besides cosmetic considerations, biopsy evaluations are indicated for the following reasons:
1) A new skin lesion that does not heal;
2) A skin lesion that bleeds or ulcerates;
3) A skin lesion that is growing, thereby changing size and shape;
4) A skin lesion with irregular or blurred margins;
5) A skin lesion that is hard to visually follow (i.e. a lesion on the scalp);
6) A large lesion greater than 5mm.
Skin cancer may require surgery to remove the cancerous growth. Knowing that treating your skin cancer may result in scars or disfigurement is worrisome. Your Plastic Surgeon understands your anxiety and is specifically trained to surgically remove cancerous masses (in consultation with a Pathologist) and other skin lesions using specialized techniques to preserve your health and your appearance.
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