Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505


Nose Job 101: What It Is, How to Prepare, and What to Expect

Often, a person may not feel satisfied with certain parts of their body. And for many people, there’s dissatisfaction with how their noses look. With this, the ideal solution is to get a nose job, also known as a rhinoplasty.

Though rhinoplasty is a popular procedure, many people still feel hesitant about it because of many questions in their minds. Can rhinoplasty change your face? How long does a rhinoplasty procedure last? Are there any side effects?

If you want to learn more about how rhinoplasty works, keep on reading.

What Is a Nose Job?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the size, shape, and appearance of the nose. It is one of the most popular procedures done worldwide as you can get it done for purely cosmetic reasons. Through rhinoplasty, even just the smallest of changes can permanently alter a person’s looks for the better.

However, aside from aesthetics, this procedure can also be done for health concerns, as a rhinoplasty can correct structural issues that can impede breathing.

What Are the Benefits of Getting a Nose Job?

There are numerous benefits to getting a nose job, and here are the three main benefits you can get:

  • Rhinoplasty can help restore the appearance of your nose after you suffer from an injury.
  • Rhinoplasty can correct a deviated septum or an obstructed airway, which improves a person’s breathing ability.
  • Rhinoplasty can alter the physical appearance of the nose according to the patient’s specifications, including narrowing the tip and smoothing down bumps.

Whether you are getting a rhinoplasty for medical benefits or cosmetic purposes, the main advantage of getting a nose job is to correct the issues you are experiencing while making sure your nose is proportionate to the rest of the face.

How Do You Prepare for a Nose Job?

Before you come in for a rhinoplasty procedure, here are some things you should do:

  • Improve your diet and lifestyle. Incorporate more fiber into your diet, take vitamin C and zinc supplements, and avoid alcohol;
  • Take time off work, usually about 10 days, so that you can heal completely;
  • Plan your transportation back home ahead of time;
  • Don’t wear makeup on the day of your procedure;
  • Stay away from smoking to avoid adverse effects;
  • Check with your plastic surgeon about the vitamins and medications you should avoid taking prior to your surgery.

What Should You Expect from a Nose Job?

Here are some things you should expect before, during, and after your rhinoplasty procedure:

  • Before a rhinoplasty procedure, the plastic surgeon will describe the process;
  • The nose job procedure might involve the removal of the nasal hump, reshaping the nostrils, increasing the nose size, and reshaping the nose tip;
  • Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure that usually takes 1.5 to 3 hours to complete;
  • After the procedure, most patients will experience mild to moderate discomfort that can be addressed through medication;
  • Typically, there will be bruising under the eyes after the nose job;
  • Patients should stay away from strenuous activities for a few weeks after the procedure, the Plastic Surgeon will determine how long.

Final Thoughts

The nose is a complex part of the body, as it is made of both cartilage and bone. Even a single change can drastically alter your appearance. So, if you want to have a smooth and excellent rhinoplasty, make sure to book a consultation and procedure with an experienced plastic surgeon.

If you are planning a rhinoplasty anytime soon, book an appointment with Peninsula Plastic Surgery. Our team offers excellent solutions for plastic surgery in Torrance, CA, including rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, facelifts, mommy makeover, thigh lift, and many more. Call us at (310) 326-3636 for more information.