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Male Breast Reduction

Male Breast Reduction: How to Know if You’re a Good Candidate

If you are a man with breasts, you may feel embarrassed, or simply uncomfortable in your own skin. You might avoid certain activities or clothing that could draw attention to your condition. Enlarged male breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia, can affect men of any age. While it is most common during puberty or middle age, it can occur at any time. In some cases, it may be the result of a medical condition or the use of certain drugs. In other cases, there is no identifiable cause.

If you are considering male breast reduction, you may have a number of questions. Am I a candidate for the procedure? What will it involve? How much will it cost? This guide will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether male breast reduction is right for you.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that results in the enlargement of breast tissue in men. It can affect one or both breasts. In some cases, the breasts may be only slightly enlarged. In other cases, they may be significantly larger than normal. Gynecomastia can occur at any age, but it is most common during puberty or middle age.

There are a number of causes of gynecomastia. In some cases, it may be the result of a medical condition or the use of certain drugs. In other cases, there is no identifiable cause.

Causes of Male Breast Enlargement

Male breast enlargement is a condition that affects a small percentage of men. It occurs when the breasts become larger than normal. The condition can be caused by a number of different factors, including:

– Hormonal imbalances: This is the most common cause of male breast enlargement. It can occur during puberty, and in many cases it goes away once hormonal changes stabilize. It can also be a result of taking certain medications, or due to an underlying medical condition such as certain cancers, cirrhosis, or an overactive thyroid.

– Weight gain: Excess weight can cause the breasts to enlarge. This is often seen in men who are obese or have gained a significant amount of weight over a short period of time.

– Side effects of certain drugs: Some drugs, such as anabolic steroids, marijuana, some antidepressants, chemotherapy and other medications, can cause the male breasts to enlarge. This is because they can alter hormone levels in the body.

– Aging: As men age, they may start to develop enlarged breasts. This is due to a decrease in testosterone levels and an increase in estrogen levels.

– Family history: Men who have a family history of enlarged breasts are more likely to develop the same condition.

If you are experiencing symptoms of male breast enlargement, it is important to see a specialist. They will be able to determine the underlying cause and recommend treatment options.

How to Know if You’re a Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction

Male breast reduction is a very effective treatment for enlarged male breasts. However, not all men are good candidates for this procedure. Candidates for male breast reduction are usually:

  • Men who are healthy and do not have any medical conditions that could complicate the surgery.
  • Men who have realistic expectations about the results of this surgery.
  • Men who are bothered by the appearance of their enlarged breasts.

How Breast Reduction Works

The goal of male breast reduction surgery is to improve the appearance of the chest and alleviate any physical discomfort. The procedure is performed using a variety of techniques, depending on the amount and distribution of excess tissue. In some cases, liposuction alone can be used to remove excess fat. In other cases, excess skin and tissue must be removed to achieve the desired results.

Male breast reduction can be obtained with the help of liposuction as well as surgical removal of breast tissue. Most of the time, this can be performed through limited incisions that leave inconspicuous scars. The procedure is done under general anesthesia, and it takes approximately 2 hours.  Patients can resume most activities within 2 weeks and should be able to perform chest exercises and heavy lifting within 8 weeks.

The results of male breast reduction surgery are often permanent. However, it is possible for the condition to recur, especially if there are underlying hormone imbalances or the individual gains a significant amount of weight.


If you are considering male breast reduction, it is important to consult with a plastic surgeon. During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your medical history and perform a physical examination. They will also discuss your goals for surgery.

Gynecomastia may not be a severe condition that puts your life in danger, but it can affect your self-confidence and quality of life. That’s why Peninsula Plastic Surgery offers breast reduction surgery and other reconstructive or cosmetic solutions to help. Our plastic surgeon, Dr. Ronald Rosso, is one of Los Angeles’ most trusted names in the industry. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.