Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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How Breast Lift Surgery Can Help Your Health and Self-Esteem

Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes sagging breasts by lifting them up and making them look more youthful.

A breast lift is often performed to enhance the appearance of sagging breasts resulting from a naturally large size, pregnancy, significant weight loss, or aging. In some cases, the procedure can even make the breasts appear more prominent.

If you’re considering a breast lift, it can be beneficial to understand what the procedure involves and what you should expect from the results. This article will discuss how you can benefit from breast lift surgery. 

What Is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes drooping breasts by lifting them and making them look fuller and perkier. The procedure involves making incisions around the areola, then lifting and reshaping them by removing excess skin and tightening the breast tissue to create a more aesthetically pleasing look.

Depending on the patient’s desired results, a plastic surgeon may just lift and reshape or also add implants to give the breasts more volume. 

Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery

Here are some of the ways you can benefit from a breast lift procedure:

  1. Improved Self-Confidence

Achieving a perkier and fuller breast appearance can be a great confidence booster. After a breast lift, many women feel more attractive and have an overall boost in self-esteem.

  1. Improved Proportions

After pregnancy or significant weight loss, it’s not uncommon for breasts to be drooping and asymmetrical, with one breast being larger than the other. A breast lift can correct any differences in size and ensure that the breasts are symmetrical by repositioning the nipples.

  1. Improved Health

A breast lift can sometimes reduce back pain and fatigue due to the strain of having unusually large breasts. However, only a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon could help determine if a breast lift would be beneficial.

  1. Youthful Appearance

As a result of aging and other factors, the breasts can take on a deflated and sagging appearance. A breast lift can restore shape and provide a youthful, natural look. It’s important to note that a breast lift does not significantly change the size of the breasts, but some women may choose to combine the procedure with breast augmentation or reduction to achieve their desired results.

Who Should Get a Breast Lift Procedure

Women who may benefit from a breast lift include those:

  • Have lost firmness or shape
  • Have a flat, elongated, or pendulous shape
  • Have nipples that point downward or fall below the breast crease
  • Have stretched skin and enlarged areolas
  • Have asymmetry or uneven positioning

Ultimately, the decision to get a breast lift should be made by you, whether it’s for health reasons or if you want perky breasts. Your plastic surgeon can guide you in assessing your physical health and help determine if the procedure will suit you. After discussing your desired outcome and expectations, your plastic surgeon can advise you on the best action and work with you to achieve your goals.


A breast lift can be a great way to achieve a more youthful and lifted appearance. However, it’s important to have realistic expectations for the outcome. It is also essential to consult with your plastic surgeon to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. A breast lift can give you more confidence, improved proportions, and a more youthful appearance when performed correctly.

Peninsula Plastic Surgery specializes in a wide range of procedures, including breast reduction and lift. We strive to provide our patients with the highest quality care and results. Schedule your free cosmetic consultation today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your desired look.