Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505


Everything You Must Know About Undergoing Brachioplasty

Brachioplasty or arm lift is a type of cosmetic surgery that can help to reshape the upper arms. It typically removes excess skin and fat to create a more toned and sculpted look. This procedure is often used for people who have lost weight or aged and cannot achieve desired results through diet and exercise.

Benefits of a Brachioplasty

The benefits of brachioplasty are numerous. Here are some of the most common advantages of this procedure:

  • Improved Appearance

Brachioplasty can help improve the arms’ overall appearance by removing excess skin and fat, resulting in a smoother, more toned look. The procedure can also be used to address sagging skin that can occur due to aging or weight loss.

  • Boosted Self-Confidence

Many people feel self-conscious or embarrassed by the appearance of their arms. Brachioplasty can help to restore confidence by improving the appearance of the arms and helping the individual to feel more comfortable in their own skin.

  • Better Mobility

Excess skin and fat in the arms can make it difficult to move and exercise freely. Brachioplasty can help to improve mobility by removing the excess skin and fat and reshaping the arms for a smoother, more streamlined appearance.

  • Increased Clothing Options

Excess skin and fat can make it challenging to find clothing that fits comfortably. Brachioplasty can help to improve the clothing options available by removing the excess skin and fat and creating a more toned arm shape.

Who’s Ideal for a Brachioplasty?

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, can benefit people of all ages, sizes, and genders who struggle with their upper arms’ appearance. For those who have experienced significant weight fluctuations, such as those who have lost a large amount of weight due to diet or bariatric surgery, brachioplasty can help improve the arms’ appearance. By reducing the amount of excess skin, the arms would appear more toned and contoured.

Those with naturally large arms or who have experienced significant aging can also benefit from brachioplasty. Over time, the skin in the arms can become lax and saggy, resulting in an aged appearance. A brachioplasty can help to reduce this appearance and provide a more youthful look. 

Finally, brachioplasty can benefit those dealing with unwanted fat accumulation in the arms. The procedure can help to remove excess fat and skin, leaving the arms toned and contoured. Some people opt to get liposuction instead but, this procedure does not eliminate excess skin.  An experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Rosso will be able to guide you through these choices to determine which one is more suitable for your needs. 

Overall, brachioplasty can help improve the arms’ appearance, no matter the cause. People of all ages, sizes, and genders can benefit from the procedure if they want to reduce the appearance of loose skin, fat, and aging in the arms. 

Insurance and Brachioplasty

A brachioplasty is usually a surgical treatment intended to enhance the look of an individual’s arms. Because this type of surgery is mainly for aesthetic purposes, it is generally not covered by insurance. In some cases, however, insurance may provide coverage if the sagging skin is causing a medical issue, such as frequent skin infections or other medical issues. The coverage offered from one insurer to another can vary, so it is best to check with your provider to determine if the procedure is covered under your policy.

Recovering From a Brachioplasty

Before the surgery, your plastic surgeon will provide detailed instructions on preparing for your procedure. This typically includes instructions on dietary changes, medications to take or stop taking, and other lifestyle changes. Additionally, you will need to arrange for a trusted adult to drive you from your surgery and maybe even stay with you for at least 24 hours following the procedure.

Your body will begin to heal within the first few days following this procedure. You can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, but this should diminish over time. Your plastic surgeon will provide specific instructions on how to care for your incisions, as well as how to reduce swelling.

It is important to rest and take it easy after your surgery to give your body time to heal properly. You must avoid strenuous activities, such as heavy lifting and exercising, for a certain period of time after the surgery. You should also attend all your follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon to ensure your recovery is progressing as expected.  With the proper preparation and care, you can ensure a successful recovery and enjoy the benefits of your new look for years to come.


Brachioplasty is a surgical procedure that can help reduce excess skin and fat in the upper arms, resulting in firmer, more toned arms. The procedure is generally safe and very effective in producing the desired result. Ultimately, brachioplasty achieves more toned, youthful-looking arms without resorting to more drastic means.

If you are looking for the best plastic surgeon in Torrance, CA, trust Peninsula Plastic Surgery. We provide arm lifts, mommy makeovers, breast augmentation, breast lifts and reconstruction, facelifts, eyelid lifts, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction, and rhinoplasty (nose job). Call us!