Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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Torrance, CA 90505


Debunking 4 of the Most Common Myths about Tummy Tucks

Congratulations! All your hard work of eating healthy and exercising daily has paid off, and you have eliminated a lot of excess fat. However, the next battle you need to win is against the loose, excess skin in your abdomen. In that case, you may want to consider a tummy tuck to address this issue.

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that removes the excess skin from the abdomen. This surgical procedure can tighten and restore the weakened muscles in the area.

Despite being the fourth most popular cosmetic procedure, many myths still revolve around tummy tucks. This article will try to debunk some of those today.

Tummy Tucks Serve as a Weight Loss Solution

One of the most prevalent misconceptions about tummy tucks is that it is a weight loss procedure—this is completely false. Tummy tucks actually target removing excess skin and not fat.

In fact, people who have already shed excess weight are the ideal clients for tummy tucks. Most of the time, those with an 18 to 25 body mass index (BMI) are considered ideal patients although every patient is an individual who needs to be assessed so that every procedure is then tailored to his/her needs.

The misconception may stem from suggestions of doing tummy tucks after liposuction. Liposuction takes away the stubborn, unwanted fat pockets, while the tummy tuck removes the loose skin remaining after the procedure and it restores the abdominal wall. 

The Loose Skin Will Eventually Snap Back into Place

The skin’s elastin and collagen are responsible for its integrity. Sometimes, when people gain and lose weight rapidly or in large quantities, the skin will return to its original form.

However, there are instances when the skin does not return to normal. Saggy skin may occur when you carry extra weight for a long time or as a result of aging. The added weight can damage the skin’s elastin fibers, causing the skin to stay loose.

Fortunately, there are various ways to tighten loose skin. However, exercise and diet are not always solutions to this particular problem. Often, the best ways to take care of saggy skin are cosmetic procedures like tummy tucks, and the like. 

Only Women Can Get Tummy Tucks

According to the American Plastic Surgery Association (ASPC), women are the primary clients for tummy tucks. Although women dominate the client base, it does not mean that only they can be viable clients.

A study in 2018 reveals that 4,892 men underwent an abdominoplasty. Despite being less than 10 percent of the total people who got the procedure that year, it only highlights the fact that men get tummy tucks too.

A person’s gender does not restrict them from having any cosmetic procedure. A viable tummy tuck candidate is someone with a good bill of health and the desire to look their best. 

You Can’t Get a Tummy Tuck Due to Your Old Age

Not getting a tummy tuck due to old age is a misconception similar to the one about gender and tummy tucks. According to this myth, only young people are allowed to undergo abdominoplasty.

The 2019 Aesthetic Society study debunks this. Based on their report, the age range of people who got tummy tucks is eighteen to over sixty-five years old. This misconception may have stemmed from the prevalence of people between thirty-five and fifty years of age getting the procedure.

The truth is, anyone can get a tummy tuck. Again, the person has to have good health and the desire to tighten their belly and get rid of the excess skin around their midsection.


Abdominoplasty is a great way to tighten and tone a distended or sagging abdomen. Whether you want a slimmer stomach, a more youthful midsection, or both, tummy tuck surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can help you bring your body back into top shape.

Turn to Peninsula Plastic Surgery when you are looking for a reputable cosmetic clinic that specializes in abdominoplasty in Torrance, CA. Aside from tummy tucks, we also offer other top-notch cosmetic procedures to help bring out your inner god or goddess. Book an appointment today!