Peninsula Plastic Surgery

plastic surgery in progress

Debunking 5 of the Most Common Plastic Surgery Misconceptions

People sometimes have misconceptions associated with cosmetic surgery, and we’re here to debunk them and shed some light on the reality of plastic surgery. 

Here are five misconceptions that you may have wondered about in the past.

People Do It for Vanity

When you say you’re getting plastic surgery, some people may think it’s merely to accentuate features or indulge your vanity. However, negative feelings about cosmetic procedures are often driven by others rather than yourself.  Some people do not understand that plastic surgery corrects physical flaws that often hinder the patient’s physical and emotional growth. 

When people don’t feel comfortable with their physical appearance, they often feel that they cannot achieve their full potential. Once they have that feature improved or corrected, it leads into an inner growth, which helps improve their lives.

In other cases, plastic surgery, in the form of reconstructive surgery, helps in life-changing situations. For instance, breast cancer survivors get reconstructions after their treatment. Similarly, it also helps burn survivors and people with birth defects.

Only Rich People Can Get Plastic Surgery

It’s a common misconception that more wealthy people get plastic surgery on a whim. This may be because most insurance companies do not cover many plastic surgery procedures that are deemed mainly as cosmetic. 

However, the recent boom in medical technology as well as credit options have allowed plastic surgery to be more attainable for regular people. This procedure is no longer exclusive to the top 1%.

Only Women Get Plastic Surgery

It is widely believed that plastic surgery is mainly for women. But this is not the case anymore.

There has been a surge in demand for plastic surgery among men in the past few years. Common types of plastic surgery pursued by men include eyelift surgery, double chin lipo, liposuction, gynecomastia surgery and more. 

It’s Not Safe

There is always a risk of complications when it comes to any surgical procedure. But rest assured that your plastic surgeon will brief you on the process, so you are fully informed about the operation. 

Patients are also encouraged to ask any questions they might have about the procedure. If you are planning to undergo plastic surgery, find out what your options are and what the projected results are. You always have a choice in the matter.

The degree of discomfort may vary depending on the specific procedure you plan to get. It will also depend on your tolerance. Aside from briefing you about the procedure, your plastic surgeon may also prescribe pain medication. 

Finally, to reduce any issue to a minimum, make sure to let your plastic surgeon know about your medical history and currently prescribed medication beforehand.

You Won’t Have Scars

Like any other type of surgery, there will be scars. However, a skilled plastic surgeon such as Dr. Rosso will hide any incisions placing them in areas of your body where they can look like “natural creases” besides performing the surgery so that the scars are very thin and fade away over time.  So, don’t let your fear of scarring keep you from getting the cosmetic procedures that will help you look the way you feel.


If you are considering plastic surgery, make sure to do your research and find a capable and experienced plastic surgeon such as Dr. Rosso to guide you through the process.

For a safe procedure, you can only trust the best plastic surgeon in Torrance, CA. With Peninsula Plastic Surgery, we provide  Mommy Makeovers, breast augmentation, breast lift and breast reconstruction, facelifts, eyelid lifts, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction, and rhinoplasty (nose job). Book a free cosmetic consultation with us now!