Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505

Breast Implants Present Some Advantages

Breast implants are among the top plastic surgeries performed in the United States.

In fact, if you feel that your breasts are too small, if you have issues fitting into clothing due to breast size, or if you are self-conscious in a swimsuit or tank top, you may want to consider breast augmentation. Patients’ motivations for having cosmetic surgery are many and varied.

Here are just some of the factors that may contribute to a woman’s decision to undergo breast augmentation:

Breast Implants to Increase Size

The No. 1 reason women want breast augmentation surgery is because they want larger breasts.


Some mothers choose to undergo breast augmentation as part of a “mommy makeover”. This is a combination of procedures designed to help restore a woman’s body to its pre-pregnancy, pre-motherhood state which often includes breast augmentation and/or breast lift.

Breast Implants Upon Breast Cancer

Other women receive breast implants during breast reconstruction procedures performed following breast cancer surgery; some do it after preventive mastectomies performed because they have a strong family history of breast cancer. A mastectomy is the surgical removal of one or both breasts. Breast reconstruction may involve implants or a transfer of fat and tissue from one’s abdomen.


Some women want breast augmentation because their breasts are asymmetrical or because of congenital deformities.

Breast Shape

Others simply want rounder, fuller breasts.

Weight Loss

Weight loss can cause significant changes to the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. Implants can help restore their volume and appearance.

The bottom line is that you may benefit from breast augmentation for any number of reasons.

If you decide to undergo breast augmentation surgery, be sure that your reasons are your own. If someone else is urging you to have breast augmentation, and you do not want it, don’t do it.  It is also important to manage your expectations about breast augmentation — know what the procedure entails now and in the future.

Breast augmentation may help you feel better about yourself and boost your self-esteem, but it will not change anything else about your life.

Breast augmentation is a surgery and should never be taken lightly. You will experience pain and discomfort afterward. It is also important to remember that breast implants don’t necessarily last forever, so you may need a second surgery down the road.

At Peninsula Plastic Surgery, we specialize in breast implants in the LA area. Call us today at 310-326-3636 to see how we can help.

Dr. Rosso believes that providing among the best breast augmentations in the South Bay depends upon establishing candid expectations and realistic goals between doctor and patient. This relationship results in very high patient satisfaction since the objectives are clear prior to surgery.

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