Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3400 Lomita Blvd., Suite 306

Torrance, CA 90505

Body Contouring to Feel in Shape After Substantial Weight Loss

Body Contouring plastic surgery procedures rolled right into one have the purpose to get you in shape after bariatric surgery or dramatic weight loss. It amalgamates an abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), lateral thigh lift, arm lift and breast lift together to give a slimmer, shapelier look to the patient.

A lot of people who have lost over one hundred pounds have many areas that need to be addressed with plastic surgery.  A Plastic Surgeon will contour their body so that they regain a satisfying look.  Sometimes, a mini facelift may also be necessary to correct sagging of the mid-face.

Depending on the number of procedures, recovery times and care vary. However, these are some of the top questions most patients ask before undergoing Body Contouring procedures.

Will I spend the night in the hospital?

At Peninsula Plastic Surgery, after this procedure, Dr. Rosso performs a thorough assessment of the patient.  At that point, he prescribes what’s needed to produce a patient’s comfortable and safe recovery in an expedited fashion. The Doctor could also prescribe pain medication.

Which are the things patients experience after a Body Contouring operation?

Patients will wake up in a compression garment which helps them support the abdomen and limit swelling. The Plastic Surgeon sets drains during surgery to lessen fluid on lateral thighs and the abdomen. He also closes all incisions with self-resorbing sutures so no further action is necessary for two weeks. The individual may shower the very first post-operative day.

What will you need to do during recovery at home?

After a set of Body Contouring procedures, Dr. Rosso will provide you with a set of instructions which may include:

  • How to care for the surgical sites;
  • Medications;
  • Specific things to look for at the incision site or in your general health;
  • Next appointment at Peninsula Plastic Surgery.

When will I be able to exercise and resume normal activities?

These procedures are really about liberating the patient from the imprisonment of the surplus hanging skin.  As a result, Body Contouring can lead to an entirely new outlook on life. Yet, it needs a recovery time of around fourteen days. The majority of individuals start to feel improvements after the initial swelling is gone and they can resume a more regular life.  To feel totally healed it takes around six weeks.

Peninsula Plastic Surgery is among the top Body Contouring cosmetic surgery centers in the Los Angeles South Bay, to book a free cosmetic consultation call us at 310-326-3636

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