Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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5 Reasons to Get Loose Skin Removal Surgery

Gastric Bypass (Bariatric Surgery) patients are people who have lost massive amounts of weight through diet and exercise. They are usually left with large amounts of excess skin in different parts of their body. Plastic surgery can help to eliminate it through skin removal plastic surgery.  If you’ve got only a few deposits of fat on your body, even liposuction can get rid of those. However, your plastic surgeon will be able to assess if liposuction is the right solution for you.

Obesity is a growing epidemic in developing countries all over the world. While the term ‘body positivity’ is all the rage today, the truth is that being obese can make it difficult for people to perform the most basic everyday tasks.

Apart from mobility issues, obese people are also at a higher risk of cardiac disease and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, they are more prone to joints degeneration.

What Happens After Weight Loss?

As you gain weight, your skin starts to expand and stretch to accommodate all the excess fat across your body. When you lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time, the skin often does not contract as it loses its elasticity.

The result?

Your skin sags and forms folds over the areas where the fat used to be. It is difficult and often impossible to get rid of sagging and drooping skin even with proper exercise. The best way to get rid of this excess, unsightly skin is to opt for skin removal surgery. This procedure is also known as body contour after bariatric surgery.

What Happens After Weight Loss?

Skin removal surgery consists of various plastic surgery procedures depending on the parts of the body involved. This procedure includes arm lift, thigh lift, breast lift, and other procedures performed on different parts of the body.

While the duration of the surgery may vary, all the areas of the body are treated in the same manner.  Specifically, the Plastic Surgeon makes incisions and cuts the extra skin while restructuring the remaining skin. Once the Plastic Surgeon has done the restructuring, he/she will sew the remaining skin back together, tightening it.

Here are a few reasons to opt for loose skin removal surgery.

Aesthetic Purposes

The first (and most obvious) reason for opting for this surgical procedure is that loose, sagging skin. Loose skin can be unsightly and prevent you from looking your best. Especially when the loose skin hangs around visible areas, like your arms, face, and neck.

Opting for skin removal surgery can help you improve your overall look and persona by eradicating the unnecessary skin.


Aside from its effect on your looks, loose skin also comes with a whole lot of discomfort. The skin tends to fold as it sags, and these folds, rubbing against each other, can cause painful skin rashes.

Along with the rashes, loose skin can also result in body aches and back pain because of your body holding up extra weight where it’s not needed.

You can drastically improve your lifestyle and overall well being with the help of excess skin removal through surgery.

Enhanced Mobility

Even after losing hundreds of pounds, it is difficult for a post-obesity person to perform physical activity, intense workouts, or sometimes even stretch effectively.

This is primarily because all the loose skin gets in the way and restricts mobility. This makes it difficult for those trying to improve their bodies and live healthier. In fact, the loose skin prevents them from exercising efficiently. Getting rid of this impediment through skin removal surgery can make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Better-Fitting Clothes

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You’d think that losing a drastic amount of weight would give you the freedom to wear whatever you want.

Well, think again.

The loose skin that comes with excessive weight loss can be an obstacle to your new fashion preferences. Quite often you will be required to tuck the extra skin into your pants and it can be challenging and time-consuming to find clothes that flatter your figure while containing the extra skin.

A skin removal procedure can help you get rid of this obstacle once and for all so that you may wear and look however you feel.

Improved Confidence

Enhanced looks, a more active lifestyle, and better-fitting clothes can also translate into a much higher self-esteem. Having excess skin can lead to a much poorer self-image and self-image is what regulates many endeavors in life, determining what actions you will take and what you will avoid.

Having a more confident and uplifted self-image will often give you the confidence to try out new and exciting things in life and say yes to those opportunities you may have missed out on before.

Focus on Recovery

Once you’ve gotten your loose skin removed, and gone through the necessary recovery period, it’s vital that you eat healthily and exercise regularly. Remember, excessive weight gain can cause the loose skin to return, and you would have wasted your time going through the skin removal procedure in the first place.

Dr. Rosso is one of the top Plastic Surgeons in this field in the South Bay.  Discover what he can do for you after weight loss, and live life to the fullest! Request a consultation online at or by contacting our office at (310)326-3636 

Most insurance companies will cover skin removal plastic surgery after a patient’s weight has been stable for a period of 12 to 18 months.

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