Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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5 Signs You Need to Get an Eyelid Lift or Blepharoplasty

The eyes are said to be the windows to one’s soul. In fact, they are what people typically see first when they look at another person. However, as you age, the skin in different parts of your body begins to lose elasticity and starts to sag. Unfortunately, that includes the skin on your eyelids.

This process typically begins with heavy-looking, hanging, or wrinkled skin on the upper eyelids. This excess skin makes your face look a little sad or tired. Worse, this condition can also affect your vision, blocking your outer or peripheral vision.

Other Signs You Have the Droopy Eyes

It is not just that it can make you look tired, depressed, stressed, or uninterested. Sometimes, the excess skin on the eyes affects the way you live.

  1. It hides the crease in your eyes and makes putting on eyebrow makeup difficult for you. The extra skin may touch or lay upon the eyelashes, requiring you to lift them so that you can put on your eyeliner or mascara.
  2. Your eyelids always look puffy.
  3. Your lower eyelids sag down so heavily that you can see the white in your eyes.
  4. You have trouble seeing because the dropping of your upper eyelids physically blocks your vision.
  5. Your eyelids feel so heavy that you find it hard to keep them open.

If you experience any of these signs, you should consider having the excess skin addressed. You can conceal or hide your sagging skin in other parts of the body. Unfortunately, there is no other way to keep baggy eyes out of sight than undergo surgery.

The Fix: Blepharoplasty

If you are suffering from droopy eyes, an eyelid lift surgery (blepharoplasty) can help you change the way your eyes appear. Blepharoplasty is the kind of surgery performed on the upper, lower, or both areas of the eyes. It is the process of removing excess skin from the upper eyelids and reducing your lower eyelid’s bagginess. It is also commonly known as an eyelift or eyelid lift.

Blepharoplasty is an effective way to improve the vision of people with sagging upper eyelids. It is also the best option if you want to fix baggy, puffy eyelids and enhance your eyes’ overall appearance.

One goal of this surgery is to bring out your eyes by restoring your crease. The incision includes removing the extra skin from the crease to reestablish the eye’s appearance. This technique is also meant to hide the surgical scar.

How It Is Done: What to Expect

Before the Surgery

Anyone in good health is a great candidate for this surgery. Before proceeding to the actual process, you need to undergo a physical examination first, which includes the following steps:

  • The plastic surgeon will have you undergo a thorough test, such as testing your tear production and vision.
  • The plastic surgeon will then assess your eyelids.
  • The surgeon will also take photos of your eyes from different angles. These images will help them plan the surgery and assess any immediate and long-term effects.

On the Day of the Surgery

If you are getting surgery for both the upper and lower eyelids, the plastic surgeon will typically start with your upper eyelid. The procedure is performed under anesthesia, which prevents you from feeling any part of the surgery and from moving around during this delicate procedure.

For the Upper Lid:

  • The plastic surgeon’s anesthesiologist will deliver the anesthesia and monitor you during the procedure.
  • Once it takes effect, they will start cutting along the fold of the eyelid.
  • They will remove the excess skin, fat, or tissue.
  • Once everything is taken away, they close the incision.

For the Lower Lid:

  • The plastic surgeon will make a cut below the lashes, either on the natural crease of the eyelid or inside the lower lid.
  • The plastic surgeon will then remove or redistribute the excess skin, fat, or tissue.
  • Finally, they will carefully close the cut.

How long the procedure lasts depends on the amount and location of the tissue to be removed. It can take around one to three hours, depending on each patient’s case. After the procedure, you can immediately go home. It will take a few weeks for your eyes to fully recover. Usually, most patients can go out in public after one to two weeks.


Blepharoplasty is an effective fix for the excess skin you develop above and under your eyes, generally because of age, weight loss and genetics. It can provide you with a more cheerful and always-alert appearance by improving the way your eyes open. If any signs mentioned in this article are already negatively affecting your lifestyle, maybe it is time to start looking into eyelid plastic surgery.

If you want to have your eyelids lifted, book an appointment with the best plastic surgeon in Torrance. Peninsula Plastic Surgery offers cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to help you change or enhance a face or body feature. Contact us today to learn more about our services and book a free cosmetic consultation. 

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