Peninsula Plastic Surgery

5 Aftercare Tips After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Coming home after your breast augmentation surgery may be challenging at times. But not to worry! What you’re feeling and seeing is temporary. In a matter of weeks, you will be able to appreciate your perkier and more prominent bust line. To ensure a speedy recovery, plastic surgeons recommend that you try these aftercare tips:

5 Breast Augmentation Aftercare Tips for You at Home

1. Ask for Help From a Loved One if Possible

If possible, ask a loved one to assist you after the surgery, especially if you have young children. Indeed, your plastic surgeon will tell you that you won’t be able to pick up small children or any heavy weight for a few weeks while recovering. Therefore, before the surgery, ask for someone’s help right away, so they know what to do when you come from the clinic. 

On the first day after the surgery, you may benefit from some help you should be resting, and recovering.

2. Follow Your Plastic Surgeon’s Instructions

If you were prescribed pain medication to help reduce pain, don’t forget to take them as instructed. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different. If you think you can manage it, you can inform your surgeon that you’d rather not.

During the healing process, patients are encouraged to wear compressing garments to position their breasts in the correct way for post-op comfort, and to give implant stability and proper lymph drainage for faster recovery. 

Massage your breasts now and then to soften the surgical area. Experts at the clinic will show you how to do this.

3. Avoid Strenuous Activity

Try not to lift heavy items or get into an intense workout while you’re healing. Even if the pain subsides after a few days, you still need to take care of your body and try not to aggravate the surgery scars. If you need to lift certain heavy items, ask someone else to do it for you.  Always follow your plastic surgeon’s directions in this regard to avoid issues with your recovery.

4. Ease Into Normalcy

Things don’t get back to normal right after surgery. You need to gradually start including things in your life again, like exercise or work. Don’t do it all at once. For exercise, start with some light walking, then transition to jogging until you’re finally ready to get back into your routine. The same goes for work. 

Slowly increase your workload, but always remember to keep hydrated and eat well so you can get back to your routine with your enhanced curves! 

5. Take Time to Heal

Don’t rush the recovery process. Take time off for about one to two weeks. Usually, if you have a very strenuous job, you need more time to recover properly. 


Breast augmentation scars may take between six months to one year to start flattening and fading, but way before that, you’ll be able to see a body that makes you happy. These types of procedures can bring back the vibrancy in your eyes and give you the confidence you need. As long as you take care of yourself and allow your body to heal, your track to recovery will be reasonably fast and smooth.

If the procedure has been something you’ve been thinking about for some time, then head on over to Peninsula Plastic Surgery. We provide excellent services like breast augmentation in Torrance, CA. Dr. Rosso is skilled in Mommy Makeover procedures that can help you regain the confidence you need. Make an appointment with us today! Cosmetic consultations are free.

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