Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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3 Ways to Solve the Double Chin Problem and Make Your Face Thinner

A variety of factors can cause a double. While obesity is the most common one, an individual’s genetic predisposition also plays a major role. So even if you’ve got a slim figure and your weight is in check, you may have inherited a double chin.

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But, thanks to advancements in the field of plastic surgery, getting rid of this feature is no longer unattainable. Most people believe that fat-related plastic surgery is only for overweight or obese people. However, anyone looking to get rid of their double chin can use one of the following 3 popular methods.


Kybella is a method used to improve the profile and appearance of the chin area by proportionately reducing the amount of fat. It consists of a series of injections administered to the jawline by a plastic surgeon.

The Doctor inserts needles containing Deoxycholic Acid into the fat deposits located under your jawline. This is not a one-time procedure. It involves multiple visits over a period of 4-6 months. During this time Kybella will eventually reduce the fat in your jawline.

After each procedure, the patient needs to use a medical compression bandage around the head.  Swelling typically peaks at 24 hours post-treatment and can last from two days to three weeks.  The swelling is caused by the active medication breaking down the fat cells. Here is an article on a blogger’s experience with this treatment.

The treatment and Kybella can cost between $800 and $1400 per session. Considering that you’ll have to sit for multiple sessions, this may end up being more expensive than liposuction.

Kybella Side Effects

  1. The Deoxycholic Acid destroys fat cells, helping to shape the chin. However, if injected into the wrong area, this drug can destroy your skin cells irreversibly.  As a result, you can get skeletonization of the neck and other skin contour irregularities.
  2. Your face, and especially your jawline, is full of small, invisible structures that could be poked by accident during Kybella treatment. Not only will this destroy skin cells, but it can also cause pain long after the treatment is completed.
  3. Unlike other chin-related procedures, Kybella can take up to 6 months of repeated visits to the surgeon. The injections take time to work on the jawline and results may take up to a year to reveal themselves.
  4. In certain cases, Kybella can result in nerve injury to the jaw, which leads to facial muscle weakness and can leave you with a lopsided smile.


The cosmetic surgery industry recently began to use Coolsculpting to treat smaller areas of the body. With the release of a new machine called the CoolMini, you can now freeze the fat cells in your double chin.  The lymphatic system drains the frozen, dead cells out of the body.

Similar to a non-invasive liposuction, this procedure drains the fat cells from the body with the use of an applicator. The Doctor places the applicator on your chin which systematically cools the area, causing the fat cells to freeze. The body’s natural metabolic processes then expel the frozen fat cells.

Today, Coolsculpting has become a popular treatment to reduce fat in small areas. However, since this procedure requires multiple sessions for it to work, the neck area can get sore and swollen for a few days. Many patients find the massage after each session pretty painful.

Finally, the applicator cannot target specific areas under the skin so it freezes all the fat cells in the general area where it is applied. Results are often not significant enough to justify the time (multiple sessions) and discomfort.

Chin Liposuction

Even today, liposuction seems to be the most effective way of dealing with a double chin. Here, the Plastic Surgeon injects a solution of lidocaine to numb the area and then makes small incisions from which the fat and fluids are sucked out.

The only catch with this procedure is that if you have loose skin in the area, it tends to sag after the surgery. In such cases, it is recommended that you add a neck lift. This procedure will help get rid of the sagging skin, leaving you with a more firm and youthful look.

Here one of my colleagues in NYC compares Kybella and Chin Liposuction.

Duration of a Double Chin Lipo

Unlike the other double-chin procedures, your Plastic Surgeon completes a chin liposuction in a single sitting.  The procedure takes roughly 40 minutes to an hour.  The advantage is that it is a one-time procedure.  This way you won’t have to keep going back to your Plastic Surgeon for additional treatments.


The side effects of a chin liposuction are minimal, and most patients return to their daily activities within a week after this surgery.

However, you will need to wear a compression garment for a few days post-surgery. Right after surgery, your chin may sport a small bruise. Make-up can cover such blemish which should disappear within a few weeks after treatment.

What to Opt For

If you opt for the Kybella or Coolsculpting, remember that the least invasive the procedure is the less-dramatic the results are. Additionally, Kybella and Coolsculpting are very time-consuming since they require multiple visits. As a result, you may notice subtle changes in your jawline. However, you can enjoy a complete transformation only with Chin Liposuction.

Therefore, if you’re looking to get rid of your double chin, do it once and for all with chin lipo.  This way you will obtain a slimmer, tighter, and more proportionate jawline.

At Peninsula Plastic Surgery we offer liposuction to remove a double chin. If you want to find out if it is the right procedure for you, call us at 310-326-3636 to book a free cosmetic consultation.

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